Review: Tarzan’s Quest
Tarzan’s Quest Tarzan’s Quest is, I believe, the last official appearance of Lady Jane Greystoke, née Porter, and what an appearance it is. She’s swinging through the trees, commanding an…
Review: Tarzan and the Leopard Men
Tarzan and the Leopard Men Poor Tarzan is going to end up with Repetitive Head Injury Syndrome if this keeps up. This time around he is caught up in a…
Review: Tarzan and the Lion Man
Tarzan and the Lion Man This book is half and half for me. I absolutely loved the skewering of Hollywood and its denizens. Since I’ve hated almost every Tarzan movie…
Review: Tarzan and the City of Gold
Tarzan and the City of Gold This is one of the rarer later books where Tarzan has a more central role. It takes place in another lost civilization and starts…
Review: Tarzan Triumphant
Tarzan Triumphant Of all of the later Tarzan books, this is my favorite. I remembered Gunner and his machine gun long after the rest of the details were lost in…
Review: Tarzan of the Apes
I have taken a long break from blogging and I think it’s time to start it back up again. Over the last two years a lot of things have happened,…
Writing about Reading
I was talking to Steve at work the other day and he mentioned a comedian who was waxing indignant about people who “brag” about reading. This comedian gets offended when…
Only 3 days of vacation left
In the last two days, I’ve cleaned house, done laundry, made 2 dozen Halloween cards and enough embellishments to make a dozen more, finished reading one book and then finished…
Vacation is half over and it’s been fun. Low-key, but fun. Last weekend was Comic Con, which wasn’t so low-key, but since then, I’ve spent every day in the craft…
Landscaping Makeover
Some before and after pictures of my landscaping makeover. Thank you Mike of Early Bird Home Services! Berry Patch Before: Berry Patch After: Daffodils Before: Daffodils After: Flower Garden Before:…