Fat Chick

Some guy at work made a fat comment about me in our meeting this morning. It was offensive enough to put me in tears, but not so blatant that I can call him on it. I am so tired of being the brunt of fat jokes. I am so tired…

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Writer’s Block

I hate to act out a cliche, but I’m having trouble with writer’s block. I’ve reached a point in my story where I know where I need it to go, but I can’t get it there. I even asked Chris to help me again, but he is stumped, too. I’ll…

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TiVo Trouble

You know how much I love my TiVo. Well, tonight it refuses to change my cable box channel, so instead of taping “How I Met Your Mother” I got an episode of “Spongebob Squarepants.” Ugh! I spent a long time trying to fix it but I finally gave up and…

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Slogging On

I’m trying not to think about word counts tonight. I’m so far behind that it will take a miracle for me to finish my goal. I’m trying to focus on finishing my book instead. This thing is like the neverending story. It keeps growing and growing and growing (kinda like…

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