
Vacation is half over and it’s been fun. Low-key, but fun. Last weekend was Comic Con, which wasn’t so low-key, but since then, I’ve spent every day in the craft studio. I made books on Sunday and then visited with the missionaries. (That’s one downside to working with the garage…

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Landscaping Makeover

Some before and after pictures of my landscaping makeover. Thank you Mike of Early Bird Home Services! Berry Patch Before: Berry Patch After: Daffodils Before: Daffodils After: Flower Garden Before: Flower Garden After: Front of House Before: Front of House After: Garage Before: Gazebo Before: Gazebo After: Side Bush Before:…

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Time Travel

Try this. Go to Google Images. Type in the year of your birth. Nothing else. Hit Search. Take in a snapshot of the world as it was when you first arrived. When I tried it, I saw a world I didn’t recognize. What’s the saying? The past is a foreign…

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Paper Boys

Years ago, when Maverick was still with us and was about 9 years old, I taught him to fetch the paper from the top of the driveway. It wasn’t too hard, since he loved to play fetch, but it wasn’t easy either. It took 2-3 weeks for him to get…

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Good to be Bad

I like video games. I especially like roleplaying games that let you decide how to play the game. Games like Fable and Dragon Age are fun because you choose who your character turns out to be by the end of the game. Almost always in these games I choose the…

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I have a good friend at work that some of you may know. I call him Billbur, and he’s a fellow rennie and a lot of fun. Yesterday we were talking and the subject came around, by accident, to the X-Files. He asked me if I was a fan and…

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