
All my life I’ve been known for my poor memory. I can remember the really important stuff, like dog breeds, programming code, character actors’ names. But when it comes to the trivia of life – your birthday, the vice president or the current month, I’m hopeless. My cousin and I…

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New Doctor

After seven years of trying to like the doctors at Johns Hopkins, I gave up and went looking for one that would actually listen to me. I was spoiled in Vegas because Dr. Cruz took all the time I needed to go over my health issues. I don’t have anything…

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Mission Accomplished

It took longer than expected, but I managed to get all of my filing done. Everything is sorted and neatly labeled and organized (using methods that only make sense to me and meth-addicted leprechauns.) This was the single chore left over from when I moved into the house two years…

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A valued coworker left for a new job today. We had a nice farewell lunch at a local Italian restaurant and I had fun ribbing him for the last two weeks about deserting us for a new job. He has been a good friend and will be missed. It made…

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I recently finished This Time Together: Laughter and Reflection by Carol Burnett. It’s a fabulous book, with charming and funny anecdotes about her life and career. I stayed up way too late a couple of nights in a row, wanting to read just one more story. In one chapter she…

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A mom?

I am going to be a mom. Not right away, because you know these things take time, but hopefully in the next year I will have at least one daughter. I’m hoping for two. I don’t have the words to describe how odd this feels. It’s something I knew would…

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