Fat Chick

Some guy at work made a fat comment about me in our meeting this morning. It was offensive enough to put me in tears, but not so blatant that I can call him on it. I am so tired of being the brunt of fat jokes. I am so tired…

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Writer’s Block

I hate to act out a cliche, but I’m having trouble with writer’s block. I’ve reached a point in my story where I know where I need it to go, but I can’t get it there. I even asked Chris to help me again, but he is stumped, too. I’ll…

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TiVo Trouble

You know how much I love my TiVo. Well, tonight it refuses to change my cable box channel, so instead of taping “How I Met Your Mother” I got an episode of “Spongebob Squarepants.” Ugh! I spent a long time trying to fix it but I finally gave up and…

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