It’s done!

The book is done, at least the rough draft is, and on Harley’s birthday, too! I have pictures for you, of Harley’s birthday, not the book, but you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for those. I actually finished at 12:02 this morning, so Harley’s birthday is technically over, but who…

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Dog Day

Today was a dog day, especially for Harley. We went outside this morning and played with all three dogs. Maverick chased his flying squirrel frisbee while Dad and I played with the new parachute toy I bought at Franklin’s yesterday. (Franklin’s is a restaurant/store near work that has some of…

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Slogging On

I’m trying not to think about word counts tonight. I’m so far behind that it will take a miracle for me to finish my goal. I’m trying to focus on finishing my book instead. This thing is like the neverending story. It keeps growing and growing and growing (kinda like…

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Let it Snow

They are predicting snow and ice over the next 24-48 hours. I am hoping for enough of it that I can stay home and sled with Harley. I don’t think it will happen though. Can you imagine being one of those people stuck in 11 feet of snow right now??…

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